4 thoughts on “More Unpredictably than My Dogs

  1. I am an avid photographer and my favourite type of photography is portraiture photogrpaphy.

    During the course of my photo shoots, I have this realisation that almost everybody – no matter who they are – usually looks good at a certain angle than from other angles. This is probably why some models are often photographed from certain angles. Even their different facial expressions affect their looks in every single moment. Gradually, I begin to realise that there is no perfect beauty in a single individual, that everybody is beautiful in their own ways, with certain flaws thrown in, of course. I figure that this is merely the manifested physical facial form due to karmic consequences.

    Most people in the world are ignorant of this – until they see the photos of the same model that are not used for publicity (which is usually only accessible to the photographers themselves).

    Over time, I have grown used to the existence of physical forms. In fact, I am beginning to grow out of it. I guess this is what happens to some portraiture photographers. With increased exposure to physical forms, we begin to understand the true teachings of the Buddha: that beauty do not last and even if it does, it is only for that single moment when a finger clicks on the camera’s shutter button. Or merely for a period of time, only. Age will eventually take away what’s left of beauty over time.

    But I believe that more often than not, an increased awareness of spirituality arises with the process of aging.

    Warmest Regards,

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