Letdown Day?

In ‘The Waiting Place’ by Sean Kelley McKeever, Scott says, ‘Do you know what new year’s day is? It’s just another day. Everyone thinks, like when the clock strikes midnight, you’ve suddenly entered a new chapter in your life, but it’s nothing like that, you know? You still have the same bills to pay, you still go to the same job. You still have to look at the same you in the mirror. Life isn’t made of nice neat little chapters. Not really. It’s like, if you believe in it, new year’s day is the greatest letdown in the history of letdowns.’

Today marks the last day of the Chinese New Year season. Has your new life arrived in this new year yet? What Scott said is right – if we expect new year’s day to bring miraculous changes after a string of hard celebrations – without any relevant effort. Days don’t let us down – we let our days down. What we need is not a change of time or year but a change of mind to change our lives. Time for resolutions again.. with real action this time! Happy new year!


2 thoughts on “Letdown Day?

  1. Agree CNY is just another day except that’s it worked as an alarm clock to wake us up to be mindful if awe are lacking..

    Love your words of wisdom in blue ~ “What we need is not a change of time or year but a change of mind to change our lives”. tQ

  2. Thanks 😛

    New year’s day is a perk up day,
    instead of a letdown day
    only if we resolve then to perk up
    for the rest of the year!

    Then again,
    we can perk up every day.

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