From ‘The Mighty Avengers: Secret Invasion Book 1’ by Brian Michael Bendis is this diialogue,
Journalist: Doctor, why did the Avengers [superhero team] break up?
Dr. Henry Pym: In my mind, they’re – they’re just taking a break. I think – I think if the world needs the Avengers again, the Avengers will be there. But, on the other hand, let’s hope they’re never needed again.
Likewise, truly spiritually heroic Bodhisattvas never give up their mission of helping all beings. True Bodhisattvas will always be there. Though we too wish they are never needed, the truth is that there are many in suffering, whom without the help of Bodhisattvas, will be far from the path to enlightenment. Paradoxically, the only way for Samsara to need less Bodhisatttvas is that more of us become Bodhisattvas to guide one another to be Bodhisattvas to one another!
On the path to become truer and truer Bodhisattvas, we might become disheartened once a while… and take a break. We might even contemplate giving up. Yet, when we again become true again to Bodhicitta, the aspiration to guide all, including oneself, to enlightenment, we will willingly take up the mission again.