Paradox of Love Vs Lies

As shortened from Wikipedia: ‘”I Love You, Phillip Morris” is a comedy-drama film based on the real life events of con artist, impostor, and multiple prison escapee Steven Jay Russell. While incarcerated, Russell falls in love with his cell mate, Phillip Morris. After Morris is released from prison, Russell escapes from prison four times in order to be reunited with Morris.’

In the movie, Russell lies repeatedly to Morris, as he cons in many creative ways to make a living for both himself and to shelter Morris in lavish ways. At one point, the disappointed Morris leaves him. The tagline of the film is ‘True lies, true laughs, true love’. Interesting, as Russell supposedly loves Morris so much, that he lies to him so much, while true love should also be such that it is free from all deceit! I guess it all depends on why he really lied. Only he knows the truth… since he is such an accomplished liar, whose words might be hard to believe?

2 thoughts on “Paradox of Love Vs Lies

  1. When we say “I love you”,
    most of the time,
    it means “Please love me”,
    hence the disappointment, sorrow and anger that follows
    when one does not get what one seeks

    It’s said that Love Binds
    but True Love Frees

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