Turning The Wheel

Gift of vegetarian mid-autumn mooncakes on teacher’s day from M & Y with post-it that says ‘法轮常转’ (May the wheel of the Dharma keep turning) and thanks :-] My thanks in return, for appreciating the Dharma-sharing! Let’s all keep turning the wheel in ways we can! Amituofo

(Written later) Interestingly, a friend noted that on the post-it, what written was 佛法长住 (May the Dharma last a long time). Somehow, in my mind, it ‘translated’ to be 法轮常转. I think this is because I see 佛法长住 as a goal, which cannot be reached without the process of turning the Dharma wheel, which is why I focused on what is needed now instead.

From https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10150295986514001&set=a.81813749000.76674.573049000&type=1&theater

1 thought on “Turning The Wheel

  1. The dharma is a vehicle. If the wheels do not turn, can the vehicle move? If there are no driver to turn the wheel, can the wheels move which in turn moves the vehicle? May all uphold the dharma and hopefully bring dharma to new heights.

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