A: Someone wants to meet me.
B: For what purpose?
A: The purpose is not clear.
B: There is no clear purpose to meet then?
A: Maybe the person wants to apologise or clarify something?
B: Apologise and clarify over what?
A: On some past online communication?
B: Why not do it online if it was all along online?
A: Maybe the person has something to say that can’t be put in words online?
B: Can the person communicate without using words when offline then?
A: Probably not.
B: There is no clear purpose to meet then?
A: Seems cold to reject meeting?
B: It is better to avoid a meeting with no clear purpose.
A: Why?
B: If online communication did led to problems, offline communication might lead to more?
A: Should there be absolutely no meeting then?
B: If the context is clearly purposeful, as in a class, it would be better.
A: What if the subject is too personal for open discussion?
B: You wouldn’t know since ‘the purpose is not clear’?
A: It could be some family issues.
B: Why not advise accordingly?
A: Did so. Seems like there is a family member involved, who seems unhappy with further interaction.
B: Family classes and counselling by neutral professionals can be recommended.
A: The person later said that family member is no longer unhappy.
B: So are things really okay now?
A: Am unsure as there are recurring cycles of serious unhappiness.
B: Out of compassion and wisdom, it is better not to meet then.
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(L) Just for sharing. I know of people who prefer talking to writing. Their strength lies in oral communication rather than written communication. They are articulate when talking but not when writing.
Yes, though for some cases, this makes more sense instead: