Stonepeace (351-360)

[351] Illnesses of the body
creates physical pain, but it is
aversion in the mind to it that
creates mental suffering.

[352] Fools blame everyone else
for their misery when
they are the very ones
causing and sustaining it.

[353] Even the most skilful teaching
is rendered totally useless
if not used for self-reflection.

[354] The path to hell begins
with shameless refusal
to observe the five precepts.

The path to deeper hell begins
with shameless refusal
to let others observe the five precepts.

The path to deepest hell begins
with shameless refusal
to observe the five precepts together.

[355] This universe is full of the inspiring,
so long as you wish to be inspired,
to look closer and deeper.

[356] If you dislike yourself now,
why not change yourself now?
If you prefer a better you now,
why not better yourself now?

[357] Even a static statue looks different
from different angles,
what more living human character
on different occasions.

[358] With mindfulness of the Buddha [Amituofo],
we become closer to the Buddha – in person,
by reaching his Pure Land,
to learn to become a Buddha from him.

[359] What you identify with more becomes your identity more.

[360] While it is ‘natural’ for many
to conceal their defiled natures,
may we always reveal
our truly natural Buddha-nature.

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