Some Dharma Advice #3
Learn lessons from the past
and let the hurt go.
Its lessons are all it is worth,
while the hurt is worthless.
If still hurting from the past,
it means its lessons
are not fully learnt yet –
including the lesson to let hurt go.
Remember to forgive,
but remember what learnt.
Forget the grudge,
but forget not what learnt.
It might feel painful to forgive now,
but it will feel more painful
to bear grudges for the rest of your life.
Why punish yourself further
by expecting apologies and amendments
from those who wronged you?
Forgiveness does not mean
condoning wrong done to you,
it means to not do wrong to you,
by bearing hurtful grudges.
If suicide due to despair
is not an act of courage,
but the lack of courage,
how can it lead to greater courage
to face similar despair in the next life?
Spiritual refuge tend to be sought
in one(s) believed to have greater control over oneself,
but the one with the greatest control is always oneself,
even with others offering great support.
Do learn on and move on –
to increase learning,
and advance to the next lesson.
Do not grudge on and suffer on –
which lessens learning,
and misses the next lesson.
While both suffering from grudges lose peace of mind,
the one who lets them go wins peace for oneself,
even if the other does not make peace with this.